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Maddy's Closet


Brand ambassador of wearing whatever t.h. you want


Sharing my love for fashion

Fashion has always been a great passion of mine, and for years I wanted to share that love with others. But, like they say, you are your greatest enemy and I let my fears get the best of me for the longest time.


During quarantine, though, I was getting so sick and tired of wearing sweats and t-shirts (I might be the only one there) so I started putting together outfits and sharing them on a blog I created through Wix, and I was shocked at how many people were interested! I had been so afraid of others' judgements for so long that I didn't think of all the positives that would come from it: I was getting to share fashion items, tips and tricks to those with similar passions, all while doing something that I loved. I've gotten to collaborate and work with many brands, and I've made so many friends in the fashion-blogging community along the way.


Since starting this blog, Target Corporation has shared five of my posts to their website to advertise products that they sell, and numerous other businesses have reached out to me for help creating content to sell their products.  My primary  platform is Instagram, but you can also catch me on my wix blog as well as Pinterest. 

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